Heading Out

Our team of six people from several different states will be in Guatemala over the next week.  Everyone but me left today.  I leave really early in the morning.

The Plan

This trip is built like so many others from past years.  We will be staying in Tecpan working with Bethel Ministries International and Pastor Juanito’s church.  We will build a house, install many stoves, distribute food and have a wheelchair distribution where 50 people will receive wheelchairs, many for the first time. While we will all miss our families, serving Jesus in Guatemala is one of my favorite things on the planet.  Being the hands and feet of our Lord is the highest privilege.  Everywhere we go, and everything we do is ultimately for one purpose…to bring glory to God!  These gifts are not from us, they are from God.

Thank You

We are so grateful for all the financial donations so many of you made.  We literally could not have done it without you.  Every year I begin the fundraising process with fear and trepidation.  I know God is sovereign and He will help us raise the funds.  Every year I feel a little embarrassed that I ever have any doubt.  You all blew the doors off the fundraising.  While I don’t have the final numbers, we definitely exceeded our goal of $20,000.  We need every dollar.  God will show us people and projects we don’t even know about yet.  If anyone reading this feels led, we can still use your help.  You can donate via GoFundMe or send a check.  Just email or text if you feel led. Thank you again for trusting us.  We will spend the week serving the people of Guatemala and making God’s name known among every person we meet. Dios te Bendiga (God Bless You), Brad  

2 thoughts on “Guatemala here we come – 2025

  1. Bobby Sullivan says:

    May God richly bless your team this week with His strength and good health for all! May He be glorified in all of this!

    1. admin says:

      Thanks Bobby. We’re having a great trip.

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