The Team
Every year God amazes me with who He brings on the teams. They’re always different, and they’re always great. Bill and I have been coming to Guatemala together for many years. Having his son Noah with us again is a true gift. His Spanish has gotten really good, and he’s developed a great friendship with Pastor Juanito’s son Danny. Bill invited several friends from work and life. We have Tony who we’ve determined has an in-depth knowledge about so many things in life, especially history. Some people read books, Tony learns from the Internet. Tony also speaks Spanish, which is fantastic. Dave has been a blast to have. I really look forward to getting to know him better. When he checked into his room he saw there was a wood burning fireplace. I’ll be interested to see if he had a fire tonight. Jess is our first female team member to ever join us on a trip. She’s a chemical engineer, and is very interesting to talk with. Her strong faith and devotion are encouraging. You know the team dynamics are great when your about ten minutes down the road and you’ve already been talking about religion and politics and you’re all still getting along. I love it! God truly does know what He’s doing.No Tires in the Toilet
It was great to be at the hotel again. The first few years we came to Guatemala the hotel was not the best. I really like where we stay now. It’s centrally located, has WiFi that works and hot water. Oh, and they have pretty good food as well. I do always have to laugh at my understanding of the Spanish language. There are just some words that don’t seem to work well. I walked into my bathroom and read the sign on the wall. It looked like it said “No Tires in the Toilet…” I knew that couldn’t be right, but it really looked like it. I’m showing you a pic, and then the Google translate. Though, I do wonder about Google. You may remember several years ago I used my camera and Google translate to read the menu at the restaurant. It said they served “Manatee”. We got a huge kick out of that. And I did confirm, they do NOT serve Manatee!
We are meeting for breakfast at 7:00 and will do a short devotion. I’m reading a daily devotional my son-in-law Parker gave me. Today’s reading was absolutely spot-on for our trip. It talked about helping, but not creating dependency. My prayer is that this week we can be a blessing to many but not too much. God knows the situations. He knows the solution. We just need to be faithful. We’ll install a stove tomorrow and visit a family. We’ll then go to church and have a celebration dinner.