We started our morning again with a devotion. We talked about how we live, act, work and serve to please other people instead of God. Whether it’s to please a parent, spouse, boss or friend, we spend our lives being anxious, worried and exhausted in a never-ending cycle of being focused on the wrong thing. Instead of trying to please other people who can never be pleased or will ultimately disappoint us, we should live to please only One person…God. He is the only one who has our best interests at heart, who works all things together for our good. As we went around the table, we each had someone or something we allowed to consume our lives, and keep our focus off the Lord. Only when we see ourselves through God’s eyes, and seek His affirmation will we ever truly be at peace in this life. The world doesn’t teach this or believe it, but it’s true. If you haven’t experienced this kind of peace in your life, I would love to tell you more…
Antonio’s dilemma

Our first visit was to Antonio’s home to install two stoves, one for his family and another for one of his daughters. When we arrived we were met by Antonio and his four daughters. Antonio is 44 years old. When he was young his family had the money to send him to school, but would not allow him to continue past second grade. He got into trouble at some point in life and went to prison. While he was in prison a pastor came to visit. After Antonio got out, he went to see the pastor who helped him get on his feet. He began attending church and gave his life to Christ. He loved music and began to play in the church band. While traveling to play music, Antonio’s wife passed away. He returned home to his children. He went into a deep depression and quit the band as he needed to stay home as a single father. Four years later he got remarried. Antonio new he needed to go back to church. He had a void in his heart and he knew only God could fill it. He kept asking his wife to go to church. She made excuses most of the time, and when she would agree to go, she would change her mind last minute to do something else. He sank deeper into depression. He would have a friend take him out and offer him a drink. He would then go home feeling guilty for drinking. He would stop for many months, but his life circumstances would cause him to go out with friends and drink again. This cycle of guilt and depression still continues to follow him. Antonio actually has a great understanding of the Bible. He related his life to the parable of the ten bridesmaids in Matthew 25:
“Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten bridesmaids who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. The five who were foolish didn’t take enough olive oil for their lamps, but the other five were wise enough to take along extra oil. When the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and fell asleep. At midnight they were roused by the shout, ‘Look, the bridegroom is coming! Come out and meet him!’ All the bridesmaids got up and prepared their lamps. Then the five foolish ones asked the others, ‘Please give us some of your oil because our lamps are going out.’ But the others replied, ‘We don’t have enough for all of us. Go to a shop and buy some for yourselves.’ But while they were gone to buy oil, the bridegroom came. Then those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was locked. Later, when the other five bridesmaids returned, they stood outside, calling, ‘Lord! Lord! Open the door for us!’ But he called back, ‘Believe me, I don’t know you!’ So you, too, must keep watch! For you do not know the day or hour of my return.”
Jesus is the bridegroom. We are the bridesmaids. You can be wise and prepared by accepting Christ and living your life looking forward to His return. Or, you can be foolish by living for yourself and rejecting His love and when He returns, you will be shut out from His presence for all eternity. Antonio knows this. He was telling Ben he knows he needs to be prepared but knows he isn’t. Antonio’s daughters are going to church. He’s allowing himself to be held back by a spouse who has no desire for the things of God. He needs to take care of his own soul, despite what his wife chooses. Life is short for all of us, but can be even shorter in Guatemala. Antonio said he didn’t expect God to come down from Heaven and answer all his questions. He says it would be nice if a friend or someone else would come explain things to him. Ben looked at Antonio and said, “Maybe I’m that person.” Antonio said, “You may be right”. Antonio was a welder before. He wants to go back to school and finish sixth grade so he can go to a technical school to become licensed. In the meantime, we’re looking for opportunities to help him succeed in life and find his way back to living a purposeful life in Christ.
Staring at her future

The most impactful part of the day for me was meeting Antonio’s 11-year old daughter Clarice. When Ben asked her what she wanted to do in life, she said, “I want to catch robbers”. She said it so quickly. Ben asked her why. She said, “because they steal things”. Ben asked if she had ever had anything stolen from her. She said, “no, but I still want to catch them.” I admire her for the dream. To achieve it she will need to finish school. Unfortunately for Clarice, she has one HUGE obstacle. She was standing behind and staring at her three sisters who are 22, 20 and 19-years old. The oldest two have two children each, and the 19-year old has one. My heart broke for them. My heart broke for Clarice. While telling us of her dreams, the reality is that the deck seems stacked against her. Unless she is given the right opportunities in life, she will end up just like her sisters, having babies, not being educated and no hope for a future. As the dad of three daughters, I believe they have amazing worth. They deserve every opportunity to get an education and have choices in life. I believe it’s a gift from God to be a mom and raise children, but I also think girls should have an opportunity to get an education, have a career if they choose, and to flourish in life. I desperately want that for Clarice. She ultimately needs education sponsorship through Bethel. Someone needs to believe in her and give her the opportunity she deserves.
The pressures of life

Our last stop was a single mom with three children. One son is 21-years old and moved out some time ago. Her 12-year old and 5-year old sons are going to school. Her 5-year old was being bullied at school because he is very small for his age. The school and parents talked to the boys who ultimately stopped bullying him. They also stopped playing with him. So, he has no friends at all in school. The mom still owes $4,500 for her land that she’s living on. She has three years to pay $3,000, then two more years to pay the remaining $1,500. She cleans for a family. They are paying her much less than what others doing the same thing are being paid. The pressures of life are starting to build. Ben used the “egg example” with her. He took an egg in his hand and described how our lives are like an egg. We have a “shell” that’s suppose to keep the bad things outside, and the good stuff inside. But, when the pressures of life get too great, we crack just like the egg and things get messy. Ben shared the Gospel with the family and we are praying that Jesus’ love will find its way into their souls.
Lots of meat
We finished the night by going to my favorite restaurant “Paulino’s”. The chorizo is absolutely amazing. We all ate a lot. We do more home visits and stove installs tomorrow. Please be praying for Pastor Juanito. He ate some bad street food and got a bug. He was given an IV and some medicine. He stayed home today and rested. He wants to go work with us tomorrow. Ben is being cautious. Thanks for continuing to pray for us. We are all healthy as of now.