The time is near

We have less than a week to go.  All of our fundraising goals have been met.  That doesn’t mean that we don’t still need donations!  One of the privileges of going to Guatemala is getting to meet so many people and get a glimpse into their daily lives.  If I walked into your house and I asked what you needed, you could probably come up with many things.  When we go into the homes in Guatemala, the need is extreme!!!  From their homes falling apart, not enough work, hunger and desperation…we continually find needs. One year we visited a single dad whose daughters had to shower outside with a piece of plastic to block.  As the dad of three girls, I would never let that happen.  He had no choice.  We told all of our friends and family about the need while there and they stepped in to help and we accomplished the project.  So, as you follow our progress on Facebook or this website, please look for ways God is moving in all our lives and ways you can get involved. We have our tentative schedule now:
  • Sat – Arrive and travel to Tecpan
  • Sun – Visit with Lucy, install New Life International water system, church/dinner
  • Mon – House build
  • Tues – Home visits and two ONIL stoves
  • Wed – Wheelchair distribution in Chichicastenango
  • Thurs – Two stoves, drive to Guatemala City
  • Fri – Head back home

So, who are we building for?

Meet Lucia (40 years-old). She doesn’t speak Spanish, only Kaqchiquel. She has six children, and none of them have been to school, because of the distance and not being able to afford it. Lucia has worked hard to move forward and raise her children on her own. Her ex-husband was an abusive alcoholic and Lucia finally put an end to the relationship two years ago. She has not heard from him or received any financial support since. Lucia works in the fields or picking vegetables that are in the season, having an income of $4-$7 a day depending on the work she can find, but it is never stable income. Often the family does not have three meals a day, because of how unstable the day to day income is. A few months ago, the 3 little girls were hospitalized for malnutrition. The family’s current house is built of sheet metal and wooden boards with a dirt floor. They collect firewood in the forest to cook, and use candles since they don’t have electricity. They also don’t have water, so they collect it from the river. The family currently has one bed in very bad conditions, so most of the family sleeps on the floor in sack bags. Her six children are:
  • Juan (17) who works in the fields when there is work, earning $33 a week. His girlfriend also lives with the family.
  • Josefina (14)
  • Aníbal (6)
  • Gisel (4)
  • Marta Lidia (3)
  • Ana Cecilia (2)

How to help

The most important thing we need now is prayer.  Please pray for our health before, during and after the trip.  Pray for Lucia and her children.  It will be so amazing to meet them.  People are never like you anticipate.  It’s better!  Pray for Bethel Ministries International.  They work with many teams and do an amazing job.  Ben and Emily Mooney will be leading us along with Elizabeth and Nick Frey.  They have become such good friends.  I can’t wait to see them again. Please check back often.  I will try to update as we get closer, and then will blog daily once there.  Thank you for who you are.  If you’re reading this, it means you care.

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